The Power of Integrations

With MoreApp you create all types of digital forms and streamline your processes. The most empowering way to improve efficiency, communication, and collaboration is to integrate MoreApp with your other systems. Automate your workflows by connecting MoreApp with your favourite tools using our integrations, the API, Webhooks, Zapier, Make and Power Automate. Discover all possibilities.

Start with Integrations
MoreApp solutions

Optimise Processes with Integrations

MoreApp is listed on automation platforms such as Zapier, Make and Power Automate. This way you can access templates and 5000+ other possibilities to connect MoreApp with. Skip the repetitive tasks, optimise your processes, and start today!

Integration logo's Make, Power Automate, Zapier

Unlock All the Possibilities with Integrations

Seamlessly connect MoreApp with your tools to unlock a world of possibilities. MoreApp offers integrations that make your life a lot easier. Easily create Task workflows with our Task-integration, design professional reports with our popular Word-integration and export data to Excel, Google Sheets, Word, OneDrive, MongoDB and your FTPS server. Use our free API to integrate MoreApp with other tools. Do you want to import or export data with the API to your CRM or another system? Check out our Developer Docs for more information. 

MoreApp Integrations

Connect MoreApp to your other tools

MoreApp integrations

Need advice about integrations?

Our Digital Consultants want you to succeed in all your projects. They can give you specialised advice about integrations or set up a technical consultation with our Product Team.
Want more information about integrations? Book a call.

Tell Me More


MoreApp offers integrations such as our free API, Webhooks, and there is even more possible with automation platforms like Zapier, Make and Power Automate. You can also connect MoreApp with Exact Online. You can find more information about which integrations we offer here.

Make use of our free API when you want to import and export data to your CRM or another system. With Webhooks you send a notification after an event takes place and with automation platforms as Zapier, Make and Power Automate you connect MoreApp with the tools they support. This unlocks over 5000+ other possibilities.

MoreApp created Templates to use for automation platforms such as Zapier, Make and Power Automate. For a detailed description of what steps to follow when configuring the integration, you can visit our Help Center.

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