Werkplekinspectie app

Mechanics are not administrators

The mechanics of Alfatech fill in a digital form for each Tele2 radio tower they work on. The planning engineer and the client immediately receive the handover report by email. This saves Alfatech one hour of administration per tower.

Besides the handover inspection forms, Alfatech works with a digital workplace inspection forms, filled in more than 100 times a year. How to make this as easy as possible for your colleagues?

Workplace inspection

The first digital form Arno van Geldor Manager and Safety Coordinator made, was the workplace inspection form. The form is used by everyone, including interns, managers, and directors. "My colleagues are excited about MoreApp. Filling in a form now feels less like a burden. It makes the administration of workplace inspections easier." Formerly, the workplace inspection form was sometimes forgotten, but now everybody has the digital form with them.

Alfatech uses the Excel export for trend analysis on what points of the workplace inspections often deviate? This allows them to quickly see if action should be taken.

Handover inspection

For orders from Tele2 Alfatech built the REU (Remote Electronic Unit) form. This digital form is an inventory and handover form in one. Alfatech registers the adjustments made to the radio towers at 650 locations. This saves Alfatech an hour per location, in comparison to paperwork.

Before Alfatech used MoreApp Forms, it was the task of the planning engineer to collect all the information after work was completed. It could take him days before he had all the information. Now when the mechanics leave the location the planning engineer and the client immediately have the handover report in their inbox.

Alfatech uses the Excel export to calculate the cost of materials per location. Additionally, the client is happy that the project is addressed in a cost effective manner.

Less administration

The mechanics who fill out the REU form are very excited about the forms app. Arno: "You keep the boys in their power. Mechanics are not administrators. They fill the digital form in an easy and accessible manner and go straight to the next job without having to do the administration in the evenings.

About Alftatech

Alfatech already exists 12 1/2 and has developed projects in the field of electrical engineering and mobile telecom; for example the radio towers of Tele2 and T-Mobile. Alfatech has provided the towers with mobile networks, such as 4G. Shops and offices such as Louis Vuitton and ABN AMRO are equipped by Alfatech with electrical and data networks. Is there an electrical failure in one of the buildings of the Dutch Ministry of Defence? Alfatech solves it.

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