MoreApp spport het Smart Skating platform

Supporting the Smart Skating platform

Last week the new Smart Skating platform was launched, an innovative partnership between Kadenza, Imec / Holst Centre and skating team Team Stressless with MoreApp as facilitating partner. The platform will use 'smart data' as a guideline to improve the peak performances in speed skating. "With smart data to Olympic gold," is the slogan.

According to initiator Bart Veldkamp, 'smart data' is a new opportunity to gain more insight into the control of the training and the racing in skating. Veldkamp explains: "As an athlete and later as a coach, I was always looking for more success, particularly by innovation in sport. Speed skating still depends too much on a gut feeling, while 'smart data' can help with choices to make by the coaches and skaters." With the 'smart data' idea, the former Olympic champion was looking for possibilities within the skating team of 4Skating, Team Stressless. Eventually he found Kadenza and imec / Holst Centre, ready to help him in the realization of this idea, with MoreApp as a facilitating partner.



"Stagnation means regression, and with current technical developments, the skating should really step up to keep up with other sports," Veldkamp says. "With the Smart Skating platform we take an important step so that everybody can also follow us through the website and social media." MoreApp will assist in collecting the data by an app where the skaters for example indicate how a training went.

‘Smart data’-revolutie in de schaatssport

Smart Skating ambition

According to Veldkamp, the impact of 'smart data' in skating is automatically visible, "If we later in January or February have been able to establish the first links and be able to demonstrate that, for example fifteen minutes more sleep ahead of a match can be a few hundredths that make a difference for Brittany Bowe. That's what we hope for. "

Useful information

From the beginning of the season the 'embedded scientist' Wouter van der Ploeg has been gathering data from Team Stressless for the Smart Skating platform. The development of this project can be followed via and the social media channels of the Smart Skating platform. The first results from the project are expected in early 2016.

MoreApp spport het Smart Skating platform

Skater Joey Mantia fills in with MoreApp Forms how his training went.

Supporter MoreApp

MoreApp is a proud supporter of this revolution in speed skating. Coaches have a better understanding because skaters fill in MoreApp forms. Wouter van der Ploeg: "The nice thing about data is that you get to know a skater way better." After a workout skaters grab their phone anyway. It's a small extra step to also fill in a form and it saves Wouter a lot of time. Coaches also have their uncertain moments, which the Smart Skating platform can help them with.

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