MoreApp at Web Summit 2019

The MoreApp Team flew to Lisbon to attend one of the world's biggest technology events, Web Summit Conference 2019 edition. Keep reading to know more!

During the three-day event, the team used the opportunity to share their knowledge with the visitors about the importance of going digital. They also explained how to digitise their work processes with MoreApp in order to work more efficient while being eco-friendly. 


According to Forbes “One of the World’s Biggest Technology Event”

Web Summit is considered to be one of the biggest tech fairs in the world. The 2019 edition took place in Lisbon from the 4th until the 7th of November. Together with the greatest leaders in the field of technology and innovation, the most promising startups in the world gathered at this event. This year more than 11.000 CEOs and 70.000 visitors from 160 different countries have visited this event. Great speakers such as David Eun (Chief Innovation Officer of Samsung), Rohit Prasad (Vice President of Amazon), Jaden Smith, Akon, Ronaldo made the Web Summit 2019 edition, a truly unique event! The three-day event was fully packed and we have been really pleased to talk with partners, customers and other visitors about our solution. 

Do you want also want to know more about our Form Builder?


The first two days, the MoreApp Team was offered the opportunity to pitch the product while connecting with different investors. To have the ability to roam around and attend different workshops, interesting connections were established with like-minded people. 

On the third day the MoreApp Team showcased the Online Form Builder at their own booth. At the booth they were able to demonstrate the easiness of the platform, while creating different forms such as Work orders, inspection forms, surveyschecklists, that caught the attention of everyone who was passing by. In addition to any conversation about integrations and Hooks, the team also had a big announcement to make, the launch of the monthly plans, the new pricing model of MoreApp. 

The team used MoreApp to sent out their digital business cards. By filling in an online form in the app, the cards were sent via email. But not only that! The new connections were impressed knowing that the business cards were used to enrich the data in our CRM. 

On Stage

MoreApp was offered the opportunity to present the product. Arnau Abadal, the Regional Manager of the Spanish office, had two minutes to impress the audience and so he did! He shared some impressive deforestation statistics. Did you know that on average, almost 4.1 million hectares of forest are being destroyed per year? That's almost the size of the Netherlands!

The goal of MoreApp is to go paperless, improving daily operation and processing data in the most eco-friendly and secure way possible. MoreApp wants to save the world while being a great part of it. 

Click here to see the entire pitch.


All in all…

Moreover, the Web Summit was a very fruitful and successful event for MoreApp not only because of the structure, organisation, and richness of content in the event, but mainly to gather contacts, get insights, exchanging ideas and solidify the new pricing model.


Thanks, Lisbon! Thanks, Web Summit!

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