Keep Track of Hours, Mileage and Time Differences.
Easily register hours worked, travel time, and miles driven with MoreApp.
No more need to drive to the office to pick up the necessary paper forms, easier invoicing, and no more lost forms. Digitalisation is key to effective and organised time sheets, mileage, work order and a paperless office! Your forms will always be available and organised when using MoreApp as your own personal registration app.
Always the newest version
It is impossible for different form versions to circulate when using MoreApp. You build and update your forms in MoreApp's easy-to-use Form Builder. The newest version will automatically be available on your smartphone, tablet or Web App, as soon as the new version of the digital form is saved in the Form Builder.
Direct insight
Captured data is directly available given that MoreApp automatically sends the collected data to the administration via email or PDF. As a result of this fast flow of information, invoices can be send sooner. You can also export the data to Excel and Google Sheets or choose to integrate MoreApp with your favourite tools.
MoreApp adds value to your your digital work orders with:
▪ Automatic consecutive serial numbers
▪ Calculating hours
▪ Calculating time difference
▪ Add multiple days using subforms
Import data by adding a data source to your form using Excel or Google Sheets. Create your own digital work order app in a efficient and easy manner by using MoreApp digital forms app. You can use Moreapp's mobile form app to register your mileage, hours worked and travel time on the go. You can find useful form templates for work orders, mileage registration and time tracking and many more.