The Inspection App of Enerdeco
Enerdeco, a company based in the Netherlands, uses the inspection app of MoreApp to inspect buildings for energy technology purposes. The company wants to fully automatise this process to avoid mistakes, together with making it more time efficient.
Enerdeco checks the energetic quality of buildings and gives advice about energy saving.
Enerdeco works with the inspection app of MoreApp for the inspection of buildings. After they have filled in the form, an inspection report is generated together with photos and remarks. These photos automatically get the filename of the room where they have been taken. With the use of the FTPS integration, the reports will automatically be placed on Enerdeco's server.
"MoreApp is very simple and works clever. The product has an accessible interface and the tool is easy to use on a tablet and in the browser. You can make your own forms and adjust them, these forms help us improves the quality of our product." - Dirk Pilat
In the past, Enerdeco used paper forms and a camera during inspections. It became hard to check whether the whole form was completed. If this was not the case, the location had to be visited once again which required a lot of time.
Enerdeco saw that other companies were working with digital forms, and Enerdeco also wanted this. Within a few hours, the basics were clear and a form was made. After that, the form has been tested and improved. Together with the FTPS-hook and rules, Enerdo has made the perfect form for them; an inspection report app that the company uses with each customer and every inspection. Inspection are now submitted and received completely, and no information will be forgotten.