Form App for Store Checks

Kiwoko uses MoreApp for its store checks and to receive reports about their operations and quality.


Kiwoko is a retailer specialised in products for animals. The company has various animal food brands and several services for animals like adoption centres. They have 180 shops around Spain.


Kiwoko uses a digital form to check every store, where the form is filled in by the shop staff. In this way, they can control the processes and the quality that is offered in each shop. This gives the company a centralised and more dynamic control.


Before Kiwoko started using MoreApp, the collected information was not organised. Kiwoko needed a tool that could help them to organise operations and processes within their own shops.


“MoreApp is the perfect tool to work in an agile and dynamic way. It's also more fun now to fill in forms and create reports. This goes easily and fast. Also, you can capture more information with every digital form than a paper form.” - Elisabeth Gutiérrez



Employees can access the store check form with their mobile devices and receive the results straight away, using these results for company auditing processes. The administrator told that it is very useful to have control over any shop while sitting behind a computer, downloading the reports that were sent with MoreApp, and instantly get the desired information.


MoreApp brings Kiwoko dynamism and the possibility to have a lot of employees filling in digital forms at the same time, which gives the company more exact results. The main benefits are in the forms for health inspections and the control over occupational hazards in the shops.

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