MoreApp at BizBarcelona


Every startup event should organise a financing market like BizBarcelona did. On their website we just read that 1,780 contacts were made in that short period of time.

At BizBarcelona we got to attend 'Mercat de Finançament'! More than twenty companies, like Barcelona Activa, Necotium, Pimec, and Arboribus, are all looking for interesting investment opportunities. For us, a startup looking for a Spanish investor to accelerate growth in Spain and Latin America, this is the best opportunity we can get. In 5 minutes we could really look each other in the eye and tell what MoreApp is about.

'Mercat de Finançament' at BizBarcelona

With MoreApp everyone can digitise any paper business form and fill it in on a smartphone or tablet. This saves a lot of paper, time and money. We think the Spanish and Latin American markets are ready to ban paper forms! A great example is the 'Smart City' concept in Spain. Cities want to work digitally and sustainable. MoreApp really fits this strategy.

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