Inspection app for sprinkler systems

TINS uses a customized checklist to periodically inspect every sprinkler system.

MoreApp's Dutch partner e-fect together with TINS designed forms for maintenance of sprinkler systems. Filling in forms is working so easy that anyone can inspect and test the systems. TINS provides to its customers the total solution for maintenance of sprinkler systems. That may even include iPads with MoreApp on it. The companies create a custom form for each customer. No system is the same.

Digital checklist

Ruben de Bruin, the owner of TINS, tells about the maintenance & service branch of his business: "Every 14 days, or 26 times a year, we visit our customers to inspect their sprinkler systems." Ruben is progressive within the sprinkler branch, already for years, he have been working with a tablets. Ruben: "The laws in the Netherlands we have to keep all test results on paper in an inspection logbook. We are working with a digital inspection logbook."

Onderhoud aan sprinklerinstallaties met MoreApp

Periodic inspections

The inspection of sprinkler systems is necessary to ensure proper operation. The customers of TINS do not notice the periodic inspections. Only the end result: a beautiful PDF of the test form in their inbox. How did partner e-fect design the PDF? For this, he uses the Word plug-in by simply uploading a Word template. TINS delivers quality and this must also be visible in the final result for the customer.

Digital work order

Besides the inspection forms, TINS also created a digital work order. Ruben: "When there is a report of a malfunction we are within 4 hours on the location. For example, when the motor does not start, or if it is too cold in the pump room. We fix the system and send a digital work order." In addition to maintenance & service Ruben also advises in the area of sprinklers and fire prevention systems.

Periodieke controles sprinklerinstallaties met MoreApp

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