CEO MoreApp Thom Bokelaar takes his electric bike to work every day

CEO MoreApp Trades Car for Electric Bicycle

You can no longer find a fancy car in front of the MoreApp office in Rotterdam. A shiny electric bicycle is what you will find instead. These days, MoreApp’s CEO Thom Bokelaar hops on his new bike to reduce his ecological footprint. This completely aligns with MoreApp’s vision to focus on more eco-friendly solutions, like eliminating paper forms and reducing CO2 emissions. Here you can read the whole interview with Thom!

Thom starts his day full of energy and without any guilt. He takes his electric bicycle multiple times a week as a new way of commuting to the office from his town. That’s roughly 70 kilometres per day. To keep the journey fun and challenging, he tries all different things to make the journey more worthwhile. Thom: “Challenge yourself to work on your personal best or enjoy listening to a great playlist or audiobook.” His enthusiasm is contagious because many colleagues and friends have been inspired to cycle as well.

“You are reducing CO2 emissions, it is better for your health and it has a great impact on my happiness. No more frustrations when you are stuck in traffic. Can only think of pros! Who wouldn’t rather take the bike?!”

Thom Bokelaar

CEO MoreApp

Reducing your Ecological Footprint

Taking the bike contributes to reducing your ecological footprint, but it’s not the only thing MoreApp is consciously working on. Thom: “I am most proud of all the trees we plant back in our MoreApp forest in collaboration with Tree-Nation. We give back to nature and we help our customers, it’s a win-win situation!”

Thom CEO MoreApp Bike Reducing Ecological Footprint

Tips from MoreApp

  • Avoid taking the plane as much as possible. Trains are a great option. When we visit our office in Berlin, we prefer taking the train as well.
  • Not everyone will be able to take a bike to work, so make sure to offer a plan for leasing electric cars.
  • Join a community of like-minded companies that are also focused on sustainability and innovation.
  • Make sure your office is “green”. Motion sensors for lights can make a huge difference. Our office in Rotterdam has moss on the roof for good insulation and it makes a nice home for the bees.
  • MoreApp supports a healthy lifestyle. We exercise regularly and eat mostly healthy and organic food. It is one of our core values ​​to take good care of each other.

Don’t let the unpredictable Dutch weather put you off, but make sure to be prepared. “If the weather is really bad, working from home is always a good option as a last resort when a raincoat is not enough”, says Thom.

A personal tip from Thom

Thom: “Everyone who can cycle, give it a try! A car as a status symbol is no longer relevant. If there is anything the pandemic has taught us, it’s the new way of working. You no longer have to go to the office every day. You can make better choices for the environment, like taking the car less often. Maybe you will replace it one day as well.”

Besides that Thom recommends other entrepreneurs remain critical. Be open to change and make improvements. “Think out of the box and let’s work together to make the world a better place.”

“Focus on improvements and innovation rather than on your competitors. Check out all the possibilities to do better for your employees, customers, environment and nature.”

Thom Bokelaar

CEO MoreApp

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