Time tracking app

Gain more insights into your daily activities with MoreApp's time tracking app! Replace your paper forms with the app and start saving time on tracking your working hours, breaks and mileage. Use MoreApp’s intuitive online Form Builder to easily build your own time tracking app. The app, available for iOS and Android devices, works online and offline. Collect data and receive real-time detailed reporting to evaluate your team's productivity. The reports, automatically generated by MoreApp, are sent via email to all involved parties. Integrate MoreApp’s time tracking app with your accounting and payroll software to increase the efficiency of your workflow.

Capturing data has never been this easy!




What is a time tracking app?

A time tracking app is a tool to accurately collect data of your team’s working hours and daily tasks! By replacing your paper forms with your own time tracking app, you will save time on tracking your daily activities. You also never have to worry about a working internet connection because the app works on- and offline. Use the time tracking app to fill in your working hours and daily tasks. Track your coffee and lunch breaks or even the time you have spent in the car to visit a customer. Use the app on a daily basis and send the report at the end of every working day or at the end of every week. Once the data is captured the reports are automatically generated and send via email to the administration department. The reports contain all the important information on the project and the time your team has spent on it. Customise your reports to have them look in line with your company style.  

The app works on- and offline

Automatically insert the date and time

Add the GPS location

Capture hours, breaks, and mileage

What are the benefits of a time tracking app? 

Capturing data with the time tracking app, as well as getting rid of your paper forms, helps you to optimise your work processes. With the app, you get to collect your productivity data anywhere and everywhere! The accuracy of your data increases because you no longer have to enter the data twice or thrice. All data is processed in real-time and your customised reports are automatically generated. The administration department can immediately use the data by exporting it to Excel, Google Sheets or any other software system.

The app helps you to quickly capture data as well as to get more accurate insights into you and your team's daily activities. You can now quickly jump in and make any changes to increase productivity.

The time tracking app also contributes to an increase in your employee satisfaction levels. Your employees enjoy the simplicity of working with the intuitive app while saving a lot of time on their administrative tasks.

"All the project details are visible in our time-tracking app. Colleagues open the app and directly see where they have to go"


Construction company in The Netherlands

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