Swipe Instead of Type

Sometimes you simply don't have two spare hands to use your tablet or Smartphone. SwiftKey might have a solution for you, just swipe instead of type. SwiftKey can be easily used when using MoreApp's App on both iOS and Android.

What is SwiftKey?

You can make entering data in you digital form even faster if you use SwiftKey in combination with MoreApp. SwiftKey allows you to personalise and adapt your keyboard so it matches your personal preferences. Not only does it let you to personalise the keyboard, it also provides you with the feature to effectively ''type'' using only one hand.

Thanks to the innovative swipe function you can quickly enter information by swiping the keyboard with one hand. SwiftKey uses innovative software to predict words by learning your writing style. It comes with a broad and detailed auto-correct function and over 800 emoticons.

You can download SwiftKey for free on iOS here, for Android click here.

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