French Transportation Company Digitalises Operational Management

Séché Transports, located in France, uses digital checklists to improve its operational performance.

In the interview with the French company, Séché Transports, I got to know that they are present in 15 countries around the world. The company is considered a major player in collecting waste.

Improved Communication with Field Team

Nowadays, information systems are crucial for businesses. Sharing data between departments is very important for efficient operational management. With MoreApp Séché Transports has improved its communication with its drivers and field team.

According to Stéphane Portier, Deputy Director, the company has noticed a big difference between processing information on paper and by using digital forms. Before using MoreApp, Séché Transports, had to wait for paper documents to process completed checklists. Now, it’s possible to access data real-time captured by 68 users. That’s why the company saves a significant amount of time during field operations.


Personalised Digital Checklist

The company created a personalised digital checklist using the MoreApp Form Builder. These checklists can be filled out directly on-site via smartphones or tablets. Once the drivers have filled in the checklist, the captured information is automatically sent via email to the office. The data can also be exported to Excel.

"We were looking for a paperless and mobile solution to improve our communication with the operational team. With MoreApp, we found what we were looking for, and it works very well!“ - Stéphane Portier

Easy, Intuitive and Modern

Easy, intuitive and modern is how Stéphane describes MoreApp. The director, employees and partners are very satisfied with MoreApp.

"I appreciate the easiness to create forms and also the ease of use for the users, MoreApp is very intuitive". - Stéphane Portier

MoreApp is helping the company during the pandemic. Digitalising communication with the field team is now even more crucial than ever.

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