Muddebouw Forest Plan MoreApp

Why Muddebouw Chooses the Forest Plan

Family firm Muddebouw is a contractor specialising in the maintenance and renovation of properties for over 40 years. They have been using MoreApp for a long time and are recently benefitting from the advantages of the Forest plan. This resulted in a positive working relationship and collaboration. MoreApp has had the honour to offer a personalised workshop for Muddebouw. Read more in this blog about how all of this is realised.

Muddebouw has been using MoreApp's digital forms for its projects since 2019. Both companies’ visions align: working paperless and digitising processes as much as possible. Muddebouw’s vision is aligned with the goal of CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility. All effects on people, the environment and society are taken into account for Muddebouw’s business operations. By choosing our Forest plan, even more progress can be made. MoreApp and Muddebouw are a perfect match by focusing on green growth and sustainable development.

Choose for Sustainability, Security and Digitisation with MoreApp

Forms for admissions, damage claims and handovers used to be documented on paper at Muddebouw. Thanks to the digitisation of all this paperwork with MoreApp, Muddebouw has accomplished its goal of becoming a paperless office. Besides sustainability, safety is high on the agenda. ISO 9001 and VCA regulations contribute to providing a safe working environment. With MoreApp, all these processes are easily automated which results in data being collected in a structured way.

“Creating forms is very easy. It’s possible to make fields mandatory so mechanics don't forget to fill in anything. The app is available anytime and anywhere, which is great!”

Danny Leeuwangh


Additional Submissions, Dedicated Support, Branding and More

As a Forest customer, you benefit from many advantages. One of the advantages is being able to use extra submissions. With as many as 10,000 submissions per month, you can submit as many forms as you like. Do you require extra assistance while using MoreApp? As a Forest customer, our Support Team offers dedicated support. In case you need any help, you will be our top priority. You also benefit from a personalised app, Platform and Web App with your company colours and logo.

“Thanks to MoreApp Branding, our app has the Muddebouw look and feel. Our personalised app boosts our position in the market.”

Danny Leeuwangh


Digital forms Workshop

Muddebouw has gone for the full package. Employees had the chance to enjoy a personalised MoreApp workshop. We got to welcome Muddebouw’s employees at our Rotterdam office to optimise their knowledge of MoreApp. This workshop, given by our enthusiastic colleagues Maaike and Inaas, was entirely tailored to Muddebouw's needs. The perfect opportunity to learn more about the MoreApp Platform. "Everyone was very excited about the workshop and the location. The one thing that surprised people was the simplicity of using MoreApp," said Danny.

Personalised Workshop Muddebouw

What Are the Advantages of the MoreApp Forest Plan?

The Forest plan offers your company many advantages. As a Forest customer you benefit from:

  • 10,000 free monthly submissions
  • Dedicated support for all your questions
  • A personalised Platform, app and Web App
  • A simplified login process with single sign-on

Want to know more? Read all about the Forest plan and Branding or contact us through

Would you like to follow in Muddebouw’s footsteps and operate in a safe and sustainable way? Try MoreApp now with our free trial!

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We contribute 1% of our revenue to reforestation projects. Read More

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