Inspection App

HomeFlex works with MoreApp for filling in digital inspection forms. The inspection app ensures that they work more efficiently and save time.


HomeFlex is a reliable and flexible link between providers of real estate, companies and temporary employment agencies that are looking for accommodation for their flex workers. HomeFlex is also active in the development and realisation of suitable accommodation locations. The homes in the database of HomeFlex meet the government-imposed standard for housing of flex workers.


HomeFlex uses the inspection app for inspecting new homes. All houses are inspected checking the following points: the condition of the home, the behavior of residents, the cleanliness, technical issues, smoking ban and more. The meter readings are also recorded with the inspection app and automatically sent to the suppliers. HomeFlex also works with a handover form to capture photos and check whether the homes are ready for residents.


"The inspection app is user-friendly, well-arranged, looks professional and can be used as evidence. We keep the forms as easy and short as possible!" - Tessa Baars


Inspections were previously done using paper. That is why the company thought it was time to document inspections in a structured and accurate manner.


Structured Save Reports on OneDrive
With MoreApp, HomeFlex can record registrations better and more structured way. The registrations are considered as evidence. Searching for the reports is now easy with the help of the OneDrive integration. The inspection reports are automatically added to OneDrive so that colleagues from different departments can use them.

Solve Problems Quickly

All completed inspection forms are received via email. These inspections result in activities that are captured with a digital work order. Problems are solved quickly and customers see real time when work has been carried out. The inspection app is used for more than 500 homes. HomeFlex customers are also very satisfied with the app. Even companies that work with HomeFlex such as the painting and cleaning companies have started working with MoreApp! 

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