DTW Networks Relies on Digital Work Processes

DTW Networks Relies on Digital Work Processes

DTW Networks has simplified processes and improved its workflows by using MoreApp. The company adjusts digital forms to the specific needs of its customers. Find out more about how DTW Networks uses MoreApp for its diverse range of tasks.

DTW Networks GmbH has been active in the installation sector for over a decade. They focus on digital signage, which means the company develops and supports high-quality digital screens. Smart metering, the tracking of utility energy consumption, is one of the other services they offer to private households and companies. Besides that, they offer different types of electrical installations (house installations, PV systems, etc.).

The Daily Use of Digital Forms

One of DTW Networks' customers introduced them to MoreApp. Employees were immediately enthusiastic about the use of the app. Now, it is an integral part of important work processes. Steve Rommel, Project Manager at DTW Networks, is responsible for implementing MoreApp and designing the digital forms. He has made sure his team benefits from the innovation. Steve: “We are excited to see what other smart solutions will be digitally accomplished with MoreApp.”

DTW Networks' customers are spread out all over Germany. Before using MoreApp the company worked with handwritten documentation and reports. This way of working proved to be sensitive to errors. By digitising they managed to save an enormous amount of paper.

Adjusting Forms to the Needs of Customers

Steve is the one within DTW who creates digital forms with MoreApp’s Form Builder. Because they have very specific workflows, the company rather creates their own forms. Internally, the company uses it for service and installation reports, annual leave requests and other HR-related enquiries. MoreApp offers the perfect solution for these processes.

Which widgets does DTW Networks use mainly for their digital forms?

"Digitising our work recordswith MoreApp has optimised many processes and has given us new opportunities for automation."

Steve Rommel

Project Manager/IT-Administration

Benefits of MoreApp for DTW Networks

The benefits of working with MoreApp’s digital forms for DTW Networks are:

  • High-quality forms
  • Automated processes
  • Increased employees satisfaction
  • Reduced use of paper
  • A time-saving solution
  • All data is stored safely

MoreApp is ISO 27001 certified and meets the international standard of data storage. Since the introduction of digital forms for DTW Networks, MoreApp has been used in all different departments and projects.

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