How Digital Forms Bring Positive Change
Exellior is the preferred partner when it comes to achieving behavioural changes within the organisation. Their ultimate goal is to strengthen behaviour that makes a positive impact on the company’s objectives.
MoreApp is proud of the collaboration with Exellior and has been making good use of their training courses for the past few years. During my participation in one of the training days at Exellior, I saw that paper evaluation forms were distributed at the end of the day. Applying what I had learned that day, I explained what Exellior can achieve by using MoreApp. I pitched MoreApp at the right time as it was perfectly aligned with Exellior’s vision to work in a more digital way.
Digital Evaluation Form
The organisation offers participants the easiest way to always have their documents at hand. An app is the best way to get this done. In an interview with Ingrid Mali, I asked how they use the app.
At the kick-off of the training, all participants receive an email with an invitation to the Exellior app. Customised material is added to the app per training day. Think of inspirational pictures, exercises or examples from practice. At the end of each training day, participants are asked to complete the digital evaluation form.
Ingrid: “It is important for us to give the app the Exellior look-and-feel, which is why we opted for the branding module. We have the feeling that it is our own app.”
Fast Data Processing
What did Exellior achieve by using digital forms? The organisation saves time since they no longer print the material. It is much faster to offer the material digitally with MoreApp. In addition, the information, recorded with the evaluation form, is immediately available for the trainer. Ingrid: “Thanks to the fast data processing, we can provide even more customisation to the participants. We immediately see which points require attention. ”
Positive changes are of course well received by Exellior. Ingrid: “It is great fun to work with MoreApp, every time I discover new things. It makes me happy if I can offer participants something new that I have made myself.”
Finally, Ingrid expressed her excitement about the MoreApp workshop which she had attended. The workshop inspired her to create more and better forms. She gets happy from enthusiastic people who have the drive to make it a success together. That is contagious! Ingrid, that's how I see it too!
Do you want to get started with a digital evaluation form? Start your free trial!